Mylk and Honey Clothier was founded by Tiffany Rice. She is originally from Syracuse, NY; having lived in New York City before settling in Baltimore, MD. Her fashion design journey began when she was in social work graduate school. She found

Award winning custom clothing designers based in Baltimore and Los Angeles. This collection will feature Custom suits, shirts, tuxedos, and sport coats. Some colorful and others low key but with interesting accents.

Shareef Mosby, the prodigious designer behind VICTIM15 ,the RVA label that turns traditional utilitarian fabrics and silhouettes into street-chic ready-to-wear & set against artistic installations. Around the U.S this current collection Tittled (Time will tell ) will feature a collaborative

The owner, Darel Dawson, is originally from Oakland, California but has made Washington, D.C. his home. The concept of Grindstone Universal began on a screen printing machine in the den of his apartment where he printed his designs on t-shirts and passed them out

Tout Sur LeCuir’s inspiration for unique designs were birthed out of a need and desire for Fashionable leather jewelry. Our work of Art is a staple finding. When you’re creative there are no limits to your mindset it flows authentically

Designer, Curator, Mua, Entrepreneur, Ghanaian Canadian, Grace Ofori always knew she was different when it came to her style. She has always been inspired to create individualistic and cutting edge designs that originate from timeless African culture, Imagination, and to design fashion pieces

LORRARIVERS, LLC, a fine leather handbag and accessories company, is owned and operated by Lorra Rivers. Professionally trained as an interior designer with over 30 years experience, she received her Bachelors of Science degree in interior design with a minor

For Andrew Nowell, fashion design has always been his passion. Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, he attended the High School of Art and Design, and went on to attend New York City’s Fashion Institute of Technology, where he

InSight Opticians is an upscale, locally owned optical boutique located in the heart of Washington DC’s new fashion-savvy business district. By fusing knowledge of product, commitment to task, and a welcoming atmosphere, Yolanda James and Tony Byers will assist you in

Lifelong Registered Nurse of 40 years with a strong creative streak. Retired 8 years ago from a DC Community Hospital Previously owned a millennial clothing pop up with purchased clothing from markets. Started my own line of jewelry in 2014.

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